Container size analysis: TensorFlow 2.8 base image vs Deep Learning

Posted by David Haley on May 07, 2024 · 1 min read

#ai  ·  #bioinformatics  ·  #cloud  ·  #docker  ·  #software

TLDR, building our DeepCell container from a base TensorFlow image is 50% faster to load and 60% smaller than using the Deep Learning container.

Deep Learning image Base TF image Reduction  
Uncompressed 19.5 GB 7.2 GB 63%
Compressed 8.4 GB 3.2 GB 62%
Batch job load time 6 min 3 min 50%

This post covers how we rebuilt our container on the smaller base image; and why the Deep Learning container is so big to begin with. The long and short of it is that you pay a steep price to have so many development tools available, and you typically don’t need those for production tasks.

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