About Me

a brief history

I was born in California, mostly raised in Paris, France. I spent a few years in New York City after college. I moved back to the Bay Area in the early 2010’s and currently live in Oakland.

World map going from CA to France to CA to NYC to CA
🇺🇸 → 🇫🇷 → 🎓 → 🗽 → 🌉


Professionally, I am a software engineer and architect. I wrote my first line of code when I was five, in QBasic. I went on to write Perl, C/C++, Java, Lua, Javascript, Ruby, Python, Golang, and others. I’ve worked in pre-sales and deployment engineering, as well as across the stack in product engineering from web applications to platform & infrastructure, in domains such as financial services, enterprise software, and games. My experience covers pre-LAMP-stack applications to modern front- and back-end, deployed in the cloud, on-premise, or hybrid, running monoliths and microservices.

I currently work at Gusto. I’ve been fortunate to work at DE Shaw, Google, Square, and several startups. Check out my LinkedIn for more information. Being witness to – and experiencing – success and struggle equips me with holistic, battle-tested engineering skills. I have BA and MS degrees in Computer Science, and a BA degree in Philosophy, all from Stanford University, California.

Personally, I am a father and a citizen. Mindfulness and truth are important to me. I study and sometimes teach Seido Karate.

Black lives matter. Be an accomplice to good.

Site credits

The site is hosted by Netlify. It’s a very cool way to serve static content (like a JAMStack application) that auto-builds when you push to github. Cool beans.

Site content is generated using Jekyll. I wanted to use Hugo ‘cause all the cool kids are using Golang. I picked Jekyll because I found a theme that was simple and clean but also not dreary: clean-blog-jekyll. Launch first, visual design later. 😅

I use a lot of unsplash photos. I credit page header photos in the footer.

The site’s “favico” (thumbnail icon) was generated using favicon.io; font: Share Tech Mono.