DeepCell Notes 20230701

Notes when getting started

Posted by David Haley on July 01, 2023 · 2 mins read

#bioinformatics  ·  #software

Saving these for later as I get into DeepCell–

DeepCell Docs

DeepCell online prediction

I found this tool useful/essential for viewing TIFF files from wet lab data: QuPath


DeepCell provides a pre-trained model, and tools to train models, for segmenting cells. Given a picture (e.g. from a microscope) identify which pixels are part of the same cell. The resulting information can be used for many sciency things that I don’t understand.

The library works great at small data sizes (512², 1024²), a few MB, but “real life” data is hundreds of MBs if not more.

The overall objective is to understand how DeepCell performs with huge images and how to make a pipeline to get predictions as quickly/cheaply/bestly as possible. TBD what best actually means.

Mesmer segmentation (whole cell segmentation)

DeepCell Pretrained Models Intro: github permalink

Important note on input data:

Data format: The Mesmer model expects two channels of imaging data. The first channel must be a nuclear channel (such as DAPI). The second channel must be a membrane or cytoplasmic channel (such as E-Cadherin).

Notebook: github permalink

Sample data

Angelo Lab ARK

Notebook to run sample data: github permalink

The below images were generated with that notebook run locally over this sample data: HuggingFace. The data includes lots of 1024x1024 cell images.

The notebook preprocesses input channels into an image file that’s sent to DeepCell.

Preprocessed input image to DeepCell (fov3)

Then DeepCell predicts cell segmentation and sends data back, processed into an image overlay.

Image overlaid with DeepCell predictions (fov3)


Follow up on viability / usability of this data for Mesmer.

Search query

Examples with potential?

Human Prostate Cancer, Adjacent Normal Section with IF Staining (FFPE)

Downloaded tif: Visium_FFPE_Human_Prostate_IF_image.tif, 724.9mb, 26624 x 25088

High resolution mapping of the breast cancer tumor microenvironment using integrated single cell, spatial and in situ analysis of FFPE tissue

418mb file?